The Business of Being Married

Congratulations!!!! You have been operating the Most Amazing Corporation that will ever exist on earth: Your Family!!!

Most couples view their relationship as purely emotional. Yet, you have planted something so fruitful that is blooming before your eyes. Your business relationship. Yes, your business relationship!!!!!

You two are the Co-Presidents and Founders running current daily operations and future dream setting. You are involved in living the American Dream : You are shuffling kids to school, ballet lessons, basketball practice, vacation planning, and birthday parties. All of this is a full time job with lots of overtime! Who has time to discuss finances?

Do you and your spouse argue over any of these:

  • saving or not saving
  • spending or being thrifty
  • what to spend the money on
  • how to track everything or not track it at all
  • just guessing at how it is going, only to find you are short of money every month
  • retirement & college for the kids

Do any, or all of these sound familiar? You are not alone! 43-50% of first marriages end in divorce. The rates are higher for 2nd and 3rd marriages. The #1 & #2 reasons cited for marital problems are financial issues and lack of communication! Don’t miss your opportunity to get this one right!

ACTION IS REQUIRED!!!! And let’s make it fun!! This has to be fun – it is going to be about you playing this business game of life together!!!!

The Business of Being Married – For the Established Family. Our financial educators, consultants and advisors will teach you that sports, music, fashion (and whatever your passion) can actually propel you forward toward a successful marriage financially using our strategies!

Your financial journey is underway! Are you the driver or just along for the ride?